
Video: Fiscal Lessons for Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 7, 2010

In a new video, Maurice McTigue, Vice President at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and a former member of the New Zealand Parliament, speaks about how…


Read More: Video: Fiscal Lessons for Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Obama: More Green for Green Energy

  • June 4, 2010

Recently when speaking about greening the nation’s energy supply in Pittsburgh, President Obama remarked: [A]nd it means rolling back billions of dollars in tax breaks to oil…


Read More: Obama: More Green for Green Energy

State Budget

The State and Local Government Debt Mess

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 4, 2010

While investment guru Warren Buffett is pulling out of municipal bonds, Gov. Rendell says Buffett doesn’t know what he is talking about, and that there is no problem with…


Read More: The State and Local Government Debt Mess


Big Idea: Privatizing City Services

  • June 4, 2010

Sandy Springs, GA, is one of the most efficient cities in the country, as reported in the Tribune Review. Incorporated in 2005, it was the first fully privatized…


Read More: Big Idea: Privatizing City Services


Why PA Corporations Don’t Pay Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 3, 2010

Gov. Rendell and his allies and shills that call on higher taxes for businesses like to claim that 70% of Pennsylvania corporations don’t pay…


Read More: Why PA Corporations Don’t Pay Taxes

Taxes & Economy

Presentation: Lessons of Fiscal Responsibility for Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 3, 2010

Maurice McTigue, Vice President at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and a former member of the New Zealand Parliament, spoke at a Commonwealth Foundation breakfast yesterday.


Read More: Presentation: Lessons of Fiscal Responsibility for Pennsylvania


More Evidence on Privatizing Liquor

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 3, 2010

Don Boudreaux and Julia Williams have an op-ed arguing for privatization of Virginia’s state liquor stores, noting little difference between control and license state in alcohol-related deaths, binge drinking,…


Read More: More Evidence on Privatizing Liquor

Taxes & Economy

How Public-Private Toll Roads are Financed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 2, 2010

Robert Poole clarifies a number of misconceptions about how toll roads are financed – particularly in the cases of public private partnerships for new projects. This is not a…


Read More: How Public-Private Toll Roads are Financed

Government Accountability

Accurate Information About a Part-Time Legislature

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 2, 2010

Senator Daylin Leach opined in the Post-Gazette over the weekend, defending the legislature he serves in (previously as a House member) against the Grand Jury report calling for…


Read More: Accurate Information About a Part-Time Legislature