Public Union Democracy

Yes, Unemployment Benefits Do Cause Higher Unemployment

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2010

David Henderson has a post up on the Econlog blog about how unemployment benefits increase the unemployment rate.  He cites himself, the Federal Reserve, and Obama economic advisor Larry…


Read More: Yes, Unemployment Benefits Do Cause Higher Unemployment

Government Accountability

State Office Deal Highlights Rendell’s Cronyism

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2010

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review has a story about the state paying to lease office space, even though they’ve closed the office. But the more interesting part of the is…


Read More: State Office Deal Highlights Rendell’s Cronyism

Taxes & Economy

Who are the Tea Partiers?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 4, 2010

The Sam Adams Alliance has a new report out presenting findings from a survey of 50 “tea party movement” leaders. Among the more interesting findings 46.9 percent were uninvolved…


Read More: Who are the Tea Partiers?

Health Care

HSAs: Efficient Heath Care and Savings for State Taxpayers

  • March 4, 2010

A recent op-ed by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels in the Wall Street Journal highlights the benefits his state has seen since implementing an optional Health Savings Account (HSA) for…


Read More: HSAs: Efficient Heath Care and Savings for State Taxpayers

Taxes & Economy

About 25% of Highway Fund Doesn’t go to Highways

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 3, 2010

Robert Poole has a Washington Times article on how federal gas tax money in the “highway fund” is often diverted to other political purposes. Today, the federal role…


Read More: About 25% of Highway Fund Doesn’t go to Highways

Taxes & Economy

A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard is Bad Policy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 3, 2010

Days before Pennsylvanians rang in the New Year, Gov. Rendell signed an agreement that paves the way for one of the most radical (and expensive) changes in Pennsylvania’s energy history.


Read More: A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard is Bad Policy

Public Union Democracy

Teacher Unions Bankrupting the State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 3, 2010

The pension crisis has been looming large throughout the state, yet pension reform proposals in Pennsylvania have been met with protests by school employees unions. The Pottstown…


Read More: Teacher Unions Bankrupting the State


Rendell’s Pension “Fix” Merely Delays Costs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 2, 2010

With his 2010-11 budget, Gov. Rendell got around to addressing the looming pension crisis. However, his proposed “fix” – re-amortizing the liabilities over 30 years, then phasing in the…


Read More: Rendell’s Pension “Fix” Merely Delays Costs