Government Accountability

Biennial Legislatures

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 16, 2010

NCSL has a new podcast discussing biennial legislatures – i.e. states where the General Assembly meets for a limited session every two years.  There have been a handful of…


Read More: Biennial Legislatures

Health Care

Virginia Passes Health Care Freedom Act

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 16, 2010

The Virginia House of Representatives passed SB 417, sending it on to Gov. McDonnell, who is expected to sign it.  The legislation would state, in defiance of health…


Read More: Virginia Passes Health Care Freedom Act


Tracking the Bailout Money

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 16, 2010

Propublica has a good tool tracking all the money the federal government has given out in both the TARP bailout and the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Read More: Tracking the Bailout Money

Do as We Say, Not as We Do

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 15, 2010

Public sector unions argue that “defined-benefit” pension plans are necessary to attract and retain good government workers. They also argue that we must pay people equitably — i.e., we…


Read More: Do as We Say, Not as We Do


Government Pension Plans Facing Crisis in Many States

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2010

RiShawn Biddle has a good article at American Spectator on how public school pensions and health care benefits are a huge cost burden in many states. New Jersey is…


Read More: Government Pension Plans Facing Crisis in Many States

Government Accountability

The 70s Called, and Wants Its Legislators Back

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2010

State Rep. Frank Oliver announced he will be retiring at the end of his term.  This retirement – along with those of Sen. Bob Mellow, Sen. Barry Stout, and…


Read More: The 70s Called, and Wants Its Legislators Back


Agriculture: Pennsylvania’s #1 Industry (in Lobbying)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2010

The lobbyist group Triad Strategies has a new blog focusing on Pennsylvania policy and politics, which features a recent post by George Wolff that calls for taxpayers to…


Read More: Agriculture: Pennsylvania’s #1 Industry (in Lobbying)

Rendell’s Taxpayer Snow Job: No-Work Pay-Day

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 13, 2010

The Patriot-News reported that when Gov. Rendell closed down state government for the recent snow storm, state workers would receive full pay for not working — costing the taxpayers…


Read More: Rendell’s Taxpayer Snow Job: No-Work Pay-Day

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Turnpike Already Hiring Consultants for I-80 Tolling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 12, 2010

Toll Roads News reports that the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is seeking bids for consultants for the conversion of the highway to a toll road. The four contracts would each…


Read More: Pennsylvania Turnpike Already Hiring Consultants for I-80 Tolling