State Budget

Ed Rendell Demands More Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 5, 2009

At a press conference yesterday, Gov. Rendell says he will “compromise” on the budget – so long as he gets $1.6 billion in new revenue.  That he, he needs…


Read More: Ed Rendell Demands More Taxes

Health Care

Universal Healthcare Will Render Us Poorer

  • August 4, 2009

The democrat health-care system is a systematic move toward a single payer universal health-care system. President Barack Obama has contended that the private system will continue to exist, but…


Read More: Universal Healthcare Will Render Us Poorer

State Budget

State of Pennsylvania has 5,000 Vacant Positions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

In response to a recent question posed us – about how many actual workers vs. unfilled positions Gov. Rendell would have to eliminate when he talks about cutting state…


Read More: State of Pennsylvania has 5,000 Vacant Positions

State Budget

What Do July Revenue Collections Mean?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released the July 2009 revenue collections yesterday.  The state collected $1.65 billion in General Fund revenue in July. Normally, this report would include how…


Read More: What Do July Revenue Collections Mean?

State Budget

States Have Only Themselves to Blame for Fiscal Mess

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

Steve Chapman writes on that there’s nothing surprising about the crises in state budgets though it apparently caught many governors and legislators by surprise. States dramatically increased spending…


Read More: States Have Only Themselves to Blame for Fiscal Mess

State Budget

What the #$#! is Going on with Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

If you are following any of the proceedings on the Pennsylvania budget – such as #pabudget on Twitter – you will find a lot has changed with nothing really…


Read More: What the #$#! is Going on with Pennsylvania Budget?

Health Care

The Two Big Lies of Health Care “Reform”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

Here are a couple of good readings on health care policy: The Hoover Institution has a “second opinion” with ten reasons why health care in the U.S. is…


Read More: The Two Big Lies of Health Care “Reform”

Taxes & Economy

Where Were These Guys a Few Months Ago?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

At a recent town-hall meeting, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said he had to ‘hold my nose’ over bailouts. I wish he had expressed some of those misgivings when…


Read More: Where Were These Guys a Few Months Ago?