State Budget

Tax Foundation Podcast: Pennsylvania Budget Battle

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

Matt Brouillette is interviewed in the latest Tax Policy Podcast from the Tax Foundation, giving an update of the Pennsylvania Budget Battle.


Read More: Tax Foundation Podcast: Pennsylvania Budget Battle

State Budget

“Blue Dog” Democrats Still Against Pennsylvania Tax Increase

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

State Rep. John Pallone, one of Pennsylvania’s “Blue Dog” Democrats, has penned a statewide letter to the editor noting that he, along with about 20 other unnamed House Democrats, should…


Read More: “Blue Dog” Democrats Still Against Pennsylvania Tax Increase

Health Care

Why We Must Ration Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

In a New York Times piece, a bioethics professor defends rationing in health care, stating we have to do it.  He uses a number of examples in which the…


Read More: Why We Must Ration Health Care

Health Care

ObamaCare will Raise Costs and Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 19, 2009

The Director of the Congressional Budget Office warned that the “public option” and other items in Congressional Democrats’ health care proposals would cause health care costs to increase, not…


Read More: ObamaCare will Raise Costs and Taxes

Taxes & Economy

Obama Reverses On Stimulus Promises

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 18, 2009

The GOP has a pretty hard hitting video on Obama’s stimulus promises.  First it shows Obama’s promises that the stimulus would have an “immediate impact” on creating jobs.  Then…


Read More: Obama Reverses On Stimulus Promises

State Budget

What Next for Pennsylvania State Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 18, 2009

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania House passed HB 1416, a vehicle for the state budget. But that should not be taken to mean that Pennsylvania is much closer to having a…


Read More: What Next for Pennsylvania State Budget?

Government Accountability

Cost and Benefits of State Spending Transparency

  • July 17, 2009

The Mercatus Center has a new podcast on state online spending transparency.  Jerry Brito, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center, discusses the need for spending transparency in states…


Read More: Cost and Benefits of State Spending Transparency

Taxes & Economy

Job Losses are Never “Good News”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 17, 2009

A number of media outlets, such as the AP, are reporting Pennsylvania’s June job losses of 3,400 with a positive spin, as in the “smallest monthly job loss…


Read More: Job Losses are Never “Good News”

Government Accountability

PA Ranks Low on Ethics Disclosure, Ask Bob Mellow

  • July 17, 2009

The Pennsylvania legislature got a “F” from the Center for Public Integrity in a national report on lawmakers disclosing information about assets, holdings or connections to special interests. In…


Read More: PA Ranks Low on Ethics Disclosure, Ask Bob Mellow