Criminal Justice Reform

Safe and Smart: Restructuring Pa.’s Probation System

  • September 13, 2018

CF’s newest policy brief, Safer Communities, Smarter Spending, provides a unique look at the problems in Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system. The commonwealth’s incarceration rate is too high. Its supervision…


Read More: Safe and Smart: Restructuring Pa.’s Probation System

Taxes & Economy

Where Are Americans Moving?

  • September 12, 2018

Millions of people move throughout the United States each year. Some make a home on the next street over. Others move across the country. This is a normal and healthy…


Read More: Where Are Americans Moving?

Public Union Democracy

Time to Shed Light on New Workers’ Rights

  • Charles Mitchell
  • September 11, 2018

This Labor Day marks ten weeks since the Supreme Court ruled in Janus v. AFSCME that government employees should not be forced to pay a union or risk losing their…


Read More: Time to Shed Light on New Workers’ Rights


More is Not Always Better

  • Marc LeBlond
  • September 10, 2018

In the ongoing school funding case, William Penn School District v. Pennsylvania Department of Education, several school districts are suing the state on the grounds that Pennsylvania has…


Read More: More is Not Always Better

Work Requirements on Tap in Washington and Harrisburg

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 7, 2018

At the end of this month, the federal farm bill expires. Its replacement—a monolithic piece of legislation—is the subject of significant controversy over strengthening food stamp work requirements for healthy…


Read More: Work Requirements on Tap in Washington and Harrisburg

Taxes & Economy

How Pennsylvania Can Transform Its Tax Code

  • September 6, 2018

Pennsylvania’s state and local tax structure is an illogical patchwork of punitive and nuisance taxes, administrative inefficiencies, and special interest carveouts. A new report from the Tax Foundation highlights…


Read More: How Pennsylvania Can Transform Its Tax Code

Public Union Democracy

Worker Empowerment Begins with Choice

  • Jessica Barnett
  • September 5, 2018

As Pennsylvanians return to work following Labor Day celebrations, it’s an appropriate time to ask: what does a fair, employee-focused workplace look like? It shouldn’t involve blocking workers’ ability to…


Read More: Worker Empowerment Begins with Choice

Public Union Democracy

Four Teachers Finally Gain Control Over their Paycheck

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 4, 2018

Jane Ladley retired from teaching three years ago, but until two weeks ago the teachers union held part of her pay in escrow. Jane was a religious objector to…


Read More: Four Teachers Finally Gain Control Over their Paycheck