
Will Government-Run Preschool Help Fight Al-Qaeda?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 3, 2009

The Patriot News has a blurb about former generals saying that government-run preschool will help improve the military, and that if the Pennsylvania Senate budget passes, the terrorists…


Read More: Will Government-Run Preschool Help Fight Al-Qaeda?

Taxes & Economy

Proposed Power Authority Would Manipulate the Market

  • June 3, 2009

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee last week held a hearing to discuss legislation proposed in 2008 to create a Pennsylvania Power Authority to oversee the state’s electricity…


Read More: Proposed Power Authority Would Manipulate the Market

Taxes & Economy

Rendell Budget 2.0

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 3, 2009

In remarks yesterday, Gov. Rendell announced that he will cut at least $400 million from his earlier spending plan.  He then went on to berate himself for being…


Read More: Rendell Budget 2.0

Taxes & Economy

Threat of State Park Closures “Ridiculous”

  • June 3, 2009

According to state Senator Mary Jo White, Gov. Rendell ordered every department secretary to issue press releases, blasting the Senate’s proposed budget and the “meanâ€? cuts that would ensue.


Read More: Threat of State Park Closures “Ridiculous”

Health Care

Still Looking for Free Market Health Care Proposals

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 2, 2009

Ryan Ellis has a good post over on RedState on the Congressional Republican health care plan (see previous post here) and offering much more serious proposal for transforming…


Read More: Still Looking for Free Market Health Care Proposals

Taxes & Economy

Budget deficit was predicted, and ignored.

  • June 2, 2009

This was our blog post from July 04, 2008…yes, Independence Day, but also the day Gov. Ed Rendell signed the 2008-09 budget despite clear evidence that it was unrealistic in…


Read More: Budget deficit was predicted, and ignored.

Government Accountability

PA Senate Passes Spending Transparency

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 2, 2009

Legislation which we have discussed many times on this blog (see previous posts here and here, and Elizabeth Bryan’s commentary here) to create an online database…


Read More: PA Senate Passes Spending Transparency

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Budget Deficit Reaches $2.8 Billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 1, 2009

The latest report from the PA Department of Revenue, through the end of May, indicate that Pennsylvania’s General Fund revenue shortfall has now reached $2.8 billion for the fiscal…


Read More: Pennsylvania Budget Deficit Reaches $2.8 Billion