Obama’s Mortgage Plan vs. Predatory Lending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 24, 2009

A Heritage Insider blog post asks what the difference is between the mortgage plan proposed by Obama and the predatory lending using “teaser rates” that contributed to the rise…


Read More: Obama’s Mortgage Plan vs. Predatory Lending


Fact Check: PA Education Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 24, 2009

A myth floating around Harrisburg is that the state government used to fund 50% of K-12 education, and has reduced support since then. This was most recently stated by…


Read More: Fact Check: PA Education Spending

Taxes & Economy

Federal stimulus is a trap for states

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The Wall Street Journal today looks at governors considering rejecting the federal stimulus dollars, as it will increase the cost to states.  For example, the stimulus expands Medicaid subsidies,…


Read More: Federal stimulus is a trap for states


State and local owe enormous obligations to retirees

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The Allegheny Institute has a new policy report examining the pension plans of the 10 largest Pennsylvania cities. They find these plans have a combined unfunded liability of $4.5…


Read More: State and local owe enormous obligations to retirees


Report Card on American Education: A State-by-State Analysis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The American Legislative Exchange Council has released their annual Report Card on American Education. The report is filled with education data – spending, inputs, academic performance – with a…


Read More: Report Card on American Education: A State-by-State Analysis

Taxes & Economy

Rendell admits “stimulus” may not stimulate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 22, 2009

Governor Rendell has acknowledged that he’s not sure the stimulus legislation just passed will actually help the economy (HT PA Watercooler).  On the one hand, I’ll like to…


Read More: Rendell admits “stimulus” may not stimulate

Taxes & Economy

Policies that Produce Real Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2009

Dan Mitchell has another educational video produced by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. He uses the Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World (Heritage has a…


Read More: Policies that Produce Real Growth

Taxes & Economy

Roots of the Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2009

FreedomWorks has a great looking redesign of their website.   They also have a new feature article on the “roots of the financial crisis“, which is full…


Read More: Roots of the Crisis