Taxes & Economy

How well has more spending worked up until now?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 10, 2009

The Morning Call’s John Micek makes a joke on his blog about the effectiveness of tax cuts in stimulating the economy: Hardcore GOPers, asked for their alternative,…


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Taxes & Economy

With All Due Respect, Mr. Specter

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 9, 2009

“The country cannot afford not to take action,” Senator Arlen Specter writes in the Washington Post justifying support for the “stimulus” package, mimicking the statement by President Obama “There…


Read More: With All Due Respect, Mr. Specter

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Legislature’s growing girth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 9, 2009

Robert Swift has a good article on the “professionalization” of the Pennsylvania legislature, including  breaking down the cost of a legislator:   At $78,314, the annual salary…


Read More: Pennsylvania Legislature’s growing girth

Taxes & Economy

How Government Created the Financial Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 9, 2009

John Taylor in the Wall Street Journal on how Government created the financial crisis: Monetary excesses were the main cause of the boom. The Fed held its…


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The Great College Hoax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 8, 2009

Forbes has an excellent article on the merits of college – and taxpayer subsidies of higher ed – even as Governor Rendell proposes legalized video poker to put…


Read More: The Great College Hoax

Taxes & Economy

Libertarian ideas to stimulate economy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2009

Jeffrey A. Miron has a list of libertarian proposals to stimulate the economy (I would expect most self-described “conservatives” would agree with 8 of the 9 proposals): Repeal the…


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Please No More Taxes Video Contest

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2009

Are you tired of paying high taxes? Enter the Commonwealth Foundation’s “Please No More Taxes” video contest and win up to $2,500! Go to for contest rules.


Read More: Please No More Taxes Video Contest

Taxes & Economy

The GOP Has a Dumb Mortgage Idea

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2009

In the Wall Street Journal, Ed Glaeser rips the US Senate GOP’s plans to underwrite mortgages and offer an additional tax credit for home-buyers More criticism of this…


Read More: The GOP Has a Dumb Mortgage Idea