
Government Job Creation is a Myth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 12, 2018

Can government create jobs? If you ask Gov. Tom Wolf, you won’t get a straight answer. On the one hand, Wolf promised Amazon millions—likely billions—in taxpayer subsidies to build a…


Read More: Government Job Creation is a Myth

State Budget

5 Reasons We Need the Taxpayer Protection Act Now

  • June 12, 2018

Gov. Wolf has been pretty optimistic about Pennsylvania’s finances going into budget negotiations for fiscal year 2018-19. Although it’s true the state is not staring down a $2 billion…


Read More: 5 Reasons We Need the Taxpayer Protection Act Now


Scholarship Organizations Bring Educational Freedom to Thousands

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • June 11, 2018

Pennsylvania’s tax credit scholarship programs are lifelines for thousands of children around the state. At best, these children would be stuck in schools that aren’t meeting their education needs. At…


Read More: Scholarship Organizations Bring Educational Freedom to Thousands


A Choice for All Students

  • Charles Mitchell
  • June 10, 2018

Barbara “Annie” Jackson waitresses at Roxy's Café just a short walk away from the Capitol building in Harrisburg. Eight months pregnant, Annie serves steaming plates of eggs and mugs of hot coffee…


Read More: A Choice for All Students


The Truth about Education Spending in PA

  • June 8, 2018

Data from Pennsylvania's Department of Education refute the persistent myth that Pennsylvania public schools are underfunded. See the charts below for 2016-17 statistics on school spending, an update on where Pa.


Read More: The Truth about Education Spending in PA

Taxes & Economy

A Career for Life: Toni’s Work Story

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 6, 2018

DuBois resident Toni Prescott Flanders knows the value of hard work. As a teenager she worked alongside her mom, who owned a restaurant. But Toni wanted more than a job.


Read More: A Career for Life: Toni’s Work Story

Taxes & Economy

More Evidence Raising the Minimum Wage is Bad for Pa.

  • June 4, 2018

In his 2018-19 budget proposal, Governor Wolf mandates a 65 percent increase to the state’s minimum wage, from $7.25 to $12 per hour. The governor reiterated his support for this…


Read More: More Evidence Raising the Minimum Wage is Bad for Pa.

Public Union Democracy

Government Union Efforts to Restrict Workers’ Rights

  • Jessica Barnett
  • June 1, 2018

June will bring a U.S. Supreme Court decision potentially restoring First Amendment rights to millions of public sector workers. The response from government union leaders? Schemes to continue—and further restrict—public…


Read More: Government Union Efforts to Restrict Workers’ Rights


Save Nuclear Jobs with Less Government, Not Corporate Welfare

  • Gordon Tomb
  • June 1, 2018

Increased production of low-cost natural gas has reduced the price of electricity to levels below which many Pennsylvania nuclear plants can compete. With about 3,000 jobs at stake, Senator…


Read More: Save Nuclear Jobs with Less Government, Not Corporate Welfare