Taxes & Economy

The Age of Prosperity Is Over

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 27, 2008

Art Laffer in today’s Wall Street Journal on how the bailout mentality is bad news for our economy: Whenever the government bails someone out of trouble, they always…


Read More: The Age of Prosperity Is Over

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Is Driving Its Doctors Away

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 25, 2008

Frederic Jarrett – a Pittsburgh doctor – editorializes in the Wall Street Journal as to how Governor Rendell is pushing doctors out a Pennsylvania by holding MCare abatement (a…


Read More: Pennsylvania Is Driving Its Doctors Away

Taxes & Economy

Greenspan’s “infinite monkey theorem”

  • October 24, 2008

Did the free market fail? Well, that seems to be what Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve System chairman, said yesterday to Congress. But before we follow the lead…


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Taxes & Economy

Rewarding Teachers

  • October 24, 2008

Former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, had a compelling article in the Washington Times yesterday on merit pay for teachers. He commented on the current system: Instead of rewarding…


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Taxes & Economy

Where has all the money for bridges gone?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2008

A Heritage Foundation analysis finds that the federal government has given more money to state for bridge repair than states are actually using, with a special mention of Pennsylvania:…


Read More: Where has all the money for bridges gone?


Will Pa. graduation exams improve public education?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2008

Cross-posted at Capitol Domes Gov. Rendell has been pushing the idea of a statewide graduation requirement that all students pass a test (his latest gives one of…


Read More: Will Pa. graduation exams improve public education?

Taxes & Economy

Beyond the Bailout

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2008

The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) have a new website:  The site is dedicated to exposing the government’s role in creating…


Read More: Beyond the Bailout

Government Accountability

One rotten Acorn?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2008

GrassrootsPA has a roundup of stories on the Philadelphia man, working with ACORN, who was charged with 108 counts related to forgery and fraud in voter registration.  In the…


Read More: One rotten Acorn?


No Smoking Sign Mandate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2008

Little noticed in the debate over Pennsylvania’s new smoking ban was that it also included a smoking sign mandate. The Commonwealth Foundation got our notice (along with a…


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