Government Accountability

Why Americans love term limits

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 13, 2008

Howard Rich, head of the pro-term limit group U.S. Term Limits, has an op-ed in the USA TODAY on why term limits are popular, except among legislators.


Read More: Why Americans love term limits

Health Care

Where will Canadians go for health care?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 13, 2008

A Canadian commented on a previous post that – even though he had to come to the US to receive health care – the Canadian system is better because…


Read More: Where will Canadians go for health care?

Taxes & Economy

Make the bailout “investments” voluntary

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 12, 2008

Letter I sent to the President and my representatives in Congress: The recent bailout plan approved by Congress authorized the Dept. of the Treasury to purchase mortgages securities at above-market…


Read More: Make the bailout “investments” voluntary

Health Care

Is choosing your health care plan dangerous?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 10, 2008

Michael Cannon’s latest commentary on health care reform is a must read: What I saw next was even scarier: The presidential debate, where Barack Obama told me how…


Read More: Is choosing your health care plan dangerous?

Taxes & Economy

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must go

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 10, 2008

Good article in the Christian Science Monitor on the need to privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The Heritage Foundation blog also discusses how Fannie Mae and Freddie…


Read More: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must go

Taxes & Economy

Re-regulating Electricity

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 10, 2008

The Tribune-Review has an article breaking down the latest energy bill (HB2200). The bill seeks to regulate the “deregulation” process by: Mandating the installation of smart meters over a…


Read More: Re-regulating Electricity


Video: Flunked Panel Discussion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 9, 2008

Video of our panel discussion following the film Flunked, co-hosted by the REACH Foundation.  Discussants include Adam Schaeffer of the Cato Institute; school choice parents…


Read More: Video: Flunked Panel Discussion

Government Accountability

More on ACORN and Voter Fraud

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 9, 2008

As a followup to Jessica’s post on ACORN and Voter Fraud, here are some recent updates: The Tribune Review notes that investigations of ACORN could be coming to…


Read More: More on ACORN and Voter Fraud


Leasing Toll Roads, Airports, and Parking

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 9, 2008

There are several stories on privatization in the news lately on a number of fronts. First up is in the real value of toll roads – which should be read…


Read More: Leasing Toll Roads, Airports, and Parking