Taxes & Economy

Competition Encourages Utilities to Help Consumers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 26, 2008

Yesterday, Met-ed and Penelec filed their own pre-payment plan with the PUC. The proposal is similar to PPL’s recently launched effort to mitigate the expected jump in electricity prices…


Read More: Competition Encourages Utilities to Help Consumers

Government Accountability

Talking Free Markets with Karl Rove

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 26, 2008

I had the chance to hear Karl Rove speak at a conference hosted by Hillsdale College on “Economics and the 2008 Election.”  Rove had some interesting things to say:…


Read More: Talking Free Markets with Karl Rove

Public Union Democracy

The “Disability Epidemic” Among Union Employees

  • September 25, 2008

If you don’t want to get angry after reading these first couple of paragraphs of this New York Times story, then don’t click through here: To understand what it’s…


Read More: The “Disability Epidemic” Among Union Employees

Government Accountability

Must See TV: “The Call of the Entrepreneur”

  • September 25, 2008

The Fox Business Channel is featuring The Call of the Entrepreneur at the following times: • Saturday, September 27 5:00 – 6:00 PM EST / 2:00 – 3:00 PM…


Read More: Must See TV: “The Call of the Entrepreneur”

Taxes & Economy

“Crisis of subsidization and intervention”

  • September 25, 2008

The Washington Post got the perspective of the Cato Institute on the $700B+ federal bailout: “The biggest emotion we’re feeling right now is frustration that the media narrative is…


Read More: “Crisis of subsidization and intervention”

Health Care

PA Senate passes “slacker mandate”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 24, 2008

The Pennsylvania Senate today passed by a 50-0 vote a “slacker mandate,” (SB 1453) requiring insurance companies to cover single, childless children of policy holders (at the policy holder’s…


Read More: PA Senate passes “slacker mandate”

Taxes & Economy

Offshore drilling ban to expire

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 24, 2008

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire; the American Future Fund has the details.This means that beginning October 1, companies can begin drilling in the areas highlighted…


Read More: Offshore drilling ban to expire

Taxes & Economy

Illegal Immigration in Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 24, 2008

Yesterday, Rep. Metcalfe held a press conference promoting the National Security Starts at Home reform package. The bills would make it more difficult for illegal immigrants to live and…


Read More: Illegal Immigration in Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Upwardly Mobile America?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 24, 2008

Good article in The American Magazine on income growth and mobility in America. If you’re like me, you can skim the text and just read the charts.


Read More: Upwardly Mobile America?