
The Competitive Impact of School Choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2008

A reader asks, in response to a post about a study show school choice in Ohio had a competitive benefit to public schools, Do you have…


Read More: The Competitive Impact of School Choice

Government Accountability

16 days of work in six months may tire House

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2008

Eric Heyl, with a hint of sarcasm, suggests that the 16 days the PA House (and the 10 days for the PA Senate) is scheduled to be in session between July…


Read More: 16 days of work in six months may tire House


Is PHEAA reformable?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2008

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review questions whether PHEAA can be reformed, as the Auditor General suggests, given that the legislators who dominate the PHEAA board don’t think legislators should vote to…


Read More: Is PHEAA reformable?


School Choice Benefits Ohio Public Schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2008

A new study from the Friedman Foundation finds that Ohio’s EdChoice voucher program – offering scholarships to students in failing schools – resulted in academic improvements in voucher-eligible public…


Read More: School Choice Benefits Ohio Public Schools

Government Accountability

A Pennsylvania Movie Script: U.S.A. v. FUMO Trial Memorandum

  • August 23, 2008

The U.S. Attorney General’s Trial Memorandum for the upcoming federal trial, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. VINCENT J. FUMO & RUTH ARNAO, reads like a movie script. Unfortunately,…


Read More: A Pennsylvania Movie Script: U.S.A. v. FUMO Trial Memorandum


Protect Our Kids from Preschool

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2008

Shikha Dalmia and Lisa Snell have a an editorial in the Wall Street Journal about the merits of universal preschool: In the last half-century, U.S. preschool attendance…


Read More: Protect Our Kids from Preschool

Taxes & Economy

Toll on integrity: The turnpike chairman owes the public an answer

  • August 22, 2008

Finally! We were beginning to wonder if anybody is paying attention to the role of the Turnpike Commission’s Chairman in Sen. Fumo’s 139-count federal indictment. Although the Turnpike Commission claims…


Read More: Toll on integrity: The turnpike chairman owes the public an answer


Rendell: “Pennsylvania’s economy is awesome, thanks to me”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 22, 2008

Hat Tip to Tony Phryillas for this story I almost missed – Governor Rendell attacked the Allegheny Institute for pointing out that Pennsylvania’s exorbitant economic development spending…


Read More: Rendell: “Pennsylvania’s economy is awesome, thanks to me”