State Budget

Gambling in PA … with a $28 billion budget

  • July 7, 2008

No one can say we didn’t warn lawmakers that their 4.06% increase in spending for the 2008-09 fiscal year was not fiscally prudent. The AP reports that Rendell,…


Read More: Gambling in PA … with a $28 billion budget


Time to end earmarks and WAMs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 7, 2008

Good op-ed in the Patriot News by William G. Williams on the need to end Congressional earmarks and WAMs by the PA General Assembly: For years in…


Read More: Time to end earmarks and WAMs

Taxes & Economy

Impeach JFK

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 7, 2008

Evergreen Freedom Foundation blog highlights the NEA convention adopting a resolution stating The National Education Association believes that any president who starts a war with another country without a…


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Taxes & Economy

Silent Cal Speaks Loudly

  • July 7, 2008

The Wall Street Journal’s Notable & Quotable provides us with some nuggets from Calvin Coolidge’s marking of the 150th anniversary of the Delcaration of Independence. Coolidge gave us some…


Read More: Silent Cal Speaks Loudly

Public Union Democracy

Modern Day Patriots: Taking on Government Officials

  • July 6, 2008

Bucks County Commissioners get an earful from taxpayers about the tentative AFSCME collective bargaining agreement that forces non-union employees to pay fees to the union as a condition of…


Read More: Modern Day Patriots: Taking on Government Officials

The Transportation Committee Cerberus

  • July 6, 2008

Rep. Joe Markosek wants to become the next Cerberus of the General Assembly. Of course, that title is currently held by Rep. Babette Josephs for bottling up…


Read More: The Transportation Committee Cerberus

Government Accountability

What can we cut?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 5, 2008

An anonymous poster to GrassrootsPA defends the recently enacted state budget against criticism from the Commonwealth Foundation, along with that in other comments. The budget…


Read More: What can we cut?