Government Accountability

Josephs offers lip service on reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2008

Tony Phyrillas is the latest to criticize the House State Government Committee chair for single-handedly stalling redistricting reform Joining Phyrillas on that bandwagon – Governor Ed…


Read More: Josephs offers lip service on reform

State Budget

Senate Passes Trimmed Down Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2008

Tired of waiting for the House Democrats to pass a budget bill, the Senate today passed their own version (as an amendment to supplemental appropriations for last year).


Read More: Senate Passes Trimmed Down Budget

Proposed School Funding Formula Explained

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2008

The Morning Call ran a story yesterday, including comments by me, on how Governor Rendell’s proposed funding formula will benefit schools that have raised property taxes rather than schools…


Read More: Proposed School Funding Formula Explained


Pensions ‘spike’ troubles state officials

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2008

Deb Erdley has an article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on how lawmakers are starting to pay attention to the looming crisis in state pension plans. The only quibble…


Read More: Pensions ‘spike’ troubles state officials


Tax credits and stupid Hollywood movies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 17, 2008

M. Knight Shyamalan came to Harrisburg yesterday to promote the state’s film tax credit. He basically said, “more money for me is good for you.” The Tax Foundation…


Read More: Tax credits and stupid Hollywood movies


State pre-K program “getting results”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 17, 2008

The PA Department of Education issued a statement, patting themselves on the back, claiming that the “Pre-K Counts” program was working as intended. They cite an increase in…


Read More: State pre-K program “getting results”?

Government Accountability

Limiting political speech won’t create good government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 16, 2008

In the latest Democracy Rising Newsletter, Tim Potts takes on two issues: redistricting and campaign finance. On redistricting I agree with him–we should not let those running for…


Read More: Limiting political speech won’t create good government


Smoking bans and individual rights

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 16, 2008

Given the title, and the link from GrassrootsPA, I expected Eric Heyl’s column on the smoking ban to be a good read. Needless to say, I was disappointed.


Read More: Smoking bans and individual rights

Taxes & Economy

Biofuels Are Indefensible

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 16, 2008

Scathing editorial by the chairman of Nestle in the Wall Street Journal on the push for biofuels (including massive subsidies and mandates from government) If there’s one certainty,…


Read More: Biofuels Are Indefensible