
Budget: WAMs in, Rainy Day Fund to be Raided

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 12, 2008

The House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment that increases the Governor’s proposed budget by $148 million (which, according to Evans’ news release, isn’t much money). This raises the…


Read More: Budget: WAMs in, Rainy Day Fund to be Raided

Taxes & Economy

$4 Gasbags

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 12, 2008

Wall Street Journal looks at the absurdity of Congress’ posturing to “do something” about high gas prices – except allow increased US production of gasoline. “Pain at the Pump”…


Read More: $4 Gasbags


Did slots hurt lottery collections?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2008

A new report by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee find that slots gambling has hurt lottery revenue. Not only has lottery revenue and participation seen almost no growth…


Read More: Did slots hurt lottery collections?

Video: Turnpike Lease Q&A

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2008

Video from yesterday’s luncheon on leasing the Pennsylvania Turnpike is below (or click here) For additional information, our Policy Brief on the Turnpike lease is here (it…


Read More: Video: Turnpike Lease Q&A


Putting Children Last

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2008

The Wall Street Journal blasts efforts by Democrats—coerced by the teacher’s unions—to end the DC Opportunity Scholarship program, a program which saves kids from failing schools and…


Read More: Putting Children Last

Taxes & Economy

Movin’ Out/Migration Resource and Data

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2008

Here are some resource and links related to my commentary on interstate migration: Census Data and migration report United Van Lines Data and…


Read More: Movin’ Out/Migration Resource and Data


Will MacGyver rescue the smoking ban?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2008

John Micek thinks the Senate Dems plan to pass a smoking ban that includes everything the conference committee bill did, plus exemptions so Scranton and Pittsburgh could pass their own…


Read More: Will MacGyver rescue the smoking ban?

Tolling I-80 not a matter of “fairness”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2008

A reader asked for a response to comments Sen. Sean Logan has been making about Turnpike lease revenue and the need to toll I-80 for “fairness”. (See Logan’s Morning…


Read More: Tolling I-80 not a matter of “fairness”

Public Union Democracy

Right to Work states have higher growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2008

The Union Label blog looks at economic growth differences between right to work and forced unionism state.


Read More: Right to Work states have higher growth