Nation’s Newest School Choice Program

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 16, 2008

Georgia enacted new legislation that would create a tax credit for donations to scholarship organizations. Much like Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit, the Georgia plan allows…


Read More: Nation’s Newest School Choice Program

“Simple math” on turnpike lease

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 16, 2008

Williamsport SunGazette editorializes that the math should be easy on a Turnpike lease bid: use what the Turnpike Commission will give (i.e. our calculation) and the bid –…


Read More: “Simple math” on turnpike lease


More Outrage at Pension COLA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

Tony Phyrillas has added to the number of voices noting that the proposed Pension COLA means higher property taxes.


Read More: More Outrage at Pension COLA

Video: Choosing our Judges

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

Here is the video from yesterday’s luncheon on the subject of merit selection vs. election of Pennnylvania judges:…


Read More: Video: Choosing our Judges

Taxes & Economy

Politicians and Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

While a number of people say that many economic policy issues are “too complex” for the general public Thomas Sowell argues that for the most part these concepts –…


Read More: Politicians and Economics

Government Accountability

Cerberus Responds

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2008

Responding to my commentary today, Rep. Babbette Josephs – who I termed the Cerberus of the General Assembly – issued a news release defending her record, and…


Read More: Cerberus Responds


Big Business Loves Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2008

Michael G. Franc in NRO Online analyzes a seemingly suprising fundraising advantage by Democratic candidates among corporate CEOs – surprising given that Democrats continue to call for higher taxes,…


Read More: Big Business Loves Big Government


Gaming Control Board screw-ups continue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2008

A number of PA House Republicans are calling for PA AG Tom Corbett to investigate the Gaming Control Board (as if he didn’t already have enough government officials…


Read More: Gaming Control Board screw-ups continue