
Smoke Freedom Day II

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 29, 2008

CBS 21 has a video of “Smoke Freedom Day” protest in Harrisburg. That’s me in the video, absorbing second-hand smoke to make a political statement, like Sam Adams.


Read More: Smoke Freedom Day II

Taxes & Economy

Federal Stimulus Rebate Calculator

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 29, 2008

Since federal “stimulus” tax rebates will start going out electronically this week (and checks will be mailed in the next few weeks), I thought I’d repost this calculator for…


Read More: Federal Stimulus Rebate Calculator


Tails. You’re Fired!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 28, 2008

Most everyone know that public school teachers get paid, tranfered, hired and fired in accordance with union-developed rules of seniority. But what happens when that seniority is equal? Answer:…


Read More: Tails. You’re Fired!

Taxes & Economy

PA Leadership Conference Round-up

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 28, 2008

The PA Leadership Conference this past weekend was a great success. Of the keynote speakers, I thought Michael’s Steele gave the best (and funniest) spech (the videos will be…


Read More: PA Leadership Conference Round-up

Taxes & Economy

Pittsburgh-area man arrested for complaining about government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 28, 2008

A Bridgeville man was arrested for harassment for doing too much complaining to, and about, his government officials. “In section 2709 of the Pennsylvania crimes code, dealing with…


Read More: Pittsburgh-area man arrested for complaining about government

Taxes & Economy

The Truth About Oil and Gasoline

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 25, 2008

API has produced a nifty primer on oil, gasoline, and other energy sources. Among the interesting graphs: where does each dollar spent on gasoline go (pg 9 in the…


Read More: The Truth About Oil and Gasoline

Taxes & Economy

State and Local Business Tax Report

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 25, 2008

The Council On State Taxation has released their 2008 summary of state and local business taxes, with the national picture, state-specific and industry-specific data. Click here for the summary…


Read More: State and Local Business Tax Report


President Bush Praises EITC

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2008

From the REACH Foundation: President Bush spoke about the need to make a good education for every child a national priority. The President then highlighted Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit…


Read More: President Bush Praises EITC


The Economics of College

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2008

Thomas Sowell has a three part (so far) series on on the economics of college: Part 1 covers the perverse incentives of taxpayer subsidies for college,Part…


Read More: The Economics of College