State Budget

New Borrowing + New Taxes = “Avoidance of Debt”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 8, 2008

In the Post-Gazette, Governor Rendell continues to argue that his insurance tax is a tax: Mr. Rendell strongly denies that the surcharge is a new tax. Instead,…


Read More: New Borrowing + New Taxes = “Avoidance of Debt”

Taxes & Economy

Federal Stimulus=$300K per job

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2008

The Heritage Foundation Foundry Blog sums up the “economic stimulus” package just passed by the US Senate. OMB Director Jim Nussle (advocating in favor of the stimulus package),…


Read More: Federal Stimulus=$300K per job

Taxes & Economy

Proposed PA Budget Details

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2008

For all the budget watchers and number-crunchers out there, here are some additional budget resources: Spreadsheet with all the line items from the proposed General Fund Budget (Microsoft Excel…


Read More: Proposed PA Budget Details

Taxes & Economy

Are You Nuts Governor?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2008

Governor Ed Rendell goes ballistic on KDKA reporter Jon Delano, asking “Are you nuts, Jon? Are you nuts?” (watch the incredible Video Clip) Delano’s sanity is in question…


Read More: Are You Nuts Governor?

Taxes & Economy

Change in plan to cut tax angers Pa. business owners

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2008

Governor Rendell’s budget calls for another slowdown of the Corporate Stock and Franchise Tax phaseout. While this isn’t technically a tax increase – rather represents less of a reduction…


Read More: Change in plan to cut tax angers Pa. business owners

Health Care

Cover A Few Pennsylvanians update

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2008

A few weeks ago, we put out some quick facts about the few Pennsylvanians that would be covered by “Cover All Pennsylvanians.” Based on the new Governor’s budget, we…


Read More: Cover A Few Pennsylvanians update

Government Accountability

Liberty Index released and GrassrootsPA relaunched

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2008

The Liberty Index, now produced by the Conservative Reform PAC was released today, rating all state legislators and Governor Rendell on legislation through the end 2007. Hat Tip…


Read More: Liberty Index released and GrassrootsPA relaunched

Health Care

Rendell still pushing RendellCare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2008

Within the last few weeks, three state health care proposals fundamentally similar to Governor Rendell’s “Cover All Pennsylvanians” added to my “bad ideas pile” California legislators overwhelming rejected…


Read More: Rendell still pushing RendellCare