Act 44 – no cap on Turnpike tolls

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 25, 2008

Toll Roads News has a story today on the Turnpike Commission’s claim that future Turnpike Tolls would be capped (with a 25% increase in 2009 and 3% annually thereafter).


Read More: Act 44 – no cap on Turnpike tolls

Taxes & Economy

Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to ‘Rebate All of It’

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

Great fake news from ScrappleFace “It just makes sense,â€? said White House spokesman Dana Perino, “that if $800 per person would stimulate the economy, then giving back…


Read More: Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to ‘Rebate All of It’


Good day for school choice in PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

The Commonwealth Court ruled that Chester-Upland school district could not limit the number of students enrolling in charter schools. Read the Philadelphia Inquirer story. About 40% of Chester-Upland student…


Read More: Good day for school choice in PA

“Profit” ins’t a dirty word either

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

We received an email in response to the “‘Foreign’ is not a Dirty Word” Commentary. I won’t print that whole email, but the essence was that a private company…


Read More: “Profit” ins’t a dirty word either


Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Rep. Sean Ramaley proposes ending the pension bump from bonuses. Currently a bonus (or other compensation, such as “unvouchered expenses”) increases the salary used to calculate pensions for state…


Read More: Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions

‘Foreign’ is not a dirty word

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Great Op-Ed in the Post-Gazette by Todd Malan on the issue of “foreign” companies bidding on the Turnpike: Finally, if the bidding process is robust, the likely…


Read More: ‘Foreign’ is not a dirty word

Rendell offers toll parameters for Turnpike Lease

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article covers Governor Rendell’s statements on a potential lease, with the headline that “Turnpike fare increases will be regulated”. The idea that a Turnpike lease would result…


Read More: Rendell offers toll parameters for Turnpike Lease

Taxes & Economy

How important are elections?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 22, 2008

Here are a couple of good commentaries on the importance of politics and elections. Though they draw the opposite conclusion, they follow a similar theme, and I find myself agreeing…


Read More: How important are elections?


(Not) A closer look at Cyber Schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 22, 2008

IssuesPA has a new article on Cyber School Funding. They claim to provide “a closer look at the ongoing debate”, but don’t look any closer than quoting what some…


Read More: (Not) A closer look at Cyber Schools