There Are Better Ways to Insure Kids

  • October 18, 2007

Today, Congress plans to try to override President Bush’s veto of the SCHIP expansion. Yesterday, the Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania House of Representatives spent hours debating a resolution to condemn President Bush’s…


Read More: There Are Better Ways to Insure Kids

How to Argue against SCHIP

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2007

While the PA House is currently debating a resolution to encourage members of Congress to override President Bush’s veto of SCHIP (granted, marginally less wasteful of time and resources than…


Read More: How to Argue against SCHIP

Senator Folmer Unveils “Healthy Pennsylvania”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2007

State Senator Mike Folmer has unveiled his Healthy Pennsylvania proposal – a series of health care reforms, that would promote competition and reduce costs of health insurance and health…


Read More: Senator Folmer Unveils “Healthy Pennsylvania”

Ethanol’s Water Shortage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2007

Wall Street Journal piece with more on the problems with ethanol mandates and subsidies: Writing in Science magazine, Renton Righelato and Dominick Spracklen estimate that in order…


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SCHIP Demagoguery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2007

Amanda Carpenter on more SCHIP rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi. Paul Simon, sans Garfunkel, also spoke, as he needs a photo opportunity; he wants a shot at redemption; he…


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I-80 lease agreement ready

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 16, 2007

Morning Call reports that the contract between PennDOT and the Turnpike Commission for tolling and leasing I-80 is ready to be signed. Though it is unclear if any such…


Read More: I-80 lease agreement ready