More Resources on Energy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 17, 2007

Here are a couple of resources on energy policy I forgot to include in my previous post: Energy, Environment and Economics: A Guide for State Legislators – ALEC…


Read More: More Resources on Energy

Free Markets vs. Socialized Medicine

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 17, 2007

John Goodman on Hillary Clinton’s new health care propsal, along with comments on John Stossel’s latest special on health care, which aired on Friday. Also check out…


Read More: Free Markets vs. Socialized Medicine

Readings on Energy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 17, 2007

As the General Assembly begins a special session on energy (and it looks like the debate is only on how much to borrow and spend on corporate welfare grants),…


Read More: Readings on Energy

Legislators back away from I-80 toll plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 14, 2007

Morning Call coverage of state lawmakers unhappy with Act 44 (Tolling I-80) and calling for going back to the drawing board. I respect this admission from the Rendell…


Read More: Legislators back away from I-80 toll plan

PA Health Survey Results

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 13, 2007

The PA Department of Health released results on a survey of health (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System). What does this tell us? Their main finding was:…


Read More: PA Health Survey Results

Sick Sob Stories

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 13, 2007

John Stossel in today’s Wall Street Journal on American health care and Michael Moore’s Sicko. When government is in charge of health care, the result…


Read More: Sick Sob Stories

Biofuels may harm more than help

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 12, 2007

OECD report says that Ethanol and Biodiesel aren’t the holy grail that Gov. Rendell thinks they are: “When acidification, fertilizer use, biodiversity loss and toxicity of agricultural pesticides…


Read More: Biofuels may harm more than help

There IS enough funding for roads and bridges

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 12, 2007

Sixty-three Senators believe there is enough federal funding for roads and bridges to also fund the “International Peace Garden” in Dunseith, North Dakota; “America’s Wetland Center” in Lake Charles, Louisiana;…


Read More: There IS enough funding for roads and bridges