High school graduates not proficient

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 5, 2007

Report from PA Partnerships for Children reveals that 45% of Pennsylvania high school graduates last year did not pass the 11th grade PSSA (on the first or 2nd try).


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The Ten Cannots

  • September 5, 2007

THE TEN CANNOTSBy Reverend William J.H. Boetcker (1916) You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big…


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Tolling I-80: What a crock

  • September 5, 2007

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Harrisburg’s transportation boondoggle: “It was hatched behind closed doors without debate or public input.” Read today’s commentary from Matt Brouillette too.


Read More: Tolling I-80: What a crock

Calls for heads to roll at PHEAA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 4, 2007

The Patriot News says PHEAA employees who think they would earn more in the private sector should go earn more in the private sector (by which they mean not…


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Transit proposal fails to add up

  • September 2, 2007

PennDOT Secretary Allen Biehler says what we said long ago, that light rail in Central PA would create a giant sucking sound of taxpayer money. We hate to…


Read More: Transit proposal fails to add up

Beaver nonprofit pays top dollar to senator’s wife

  • September 2, 2007

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Sen. Gerald LaValle’s wife’s compensation ($102,076, plus a $9,695 pension benefit) to run a non-profit charity that has been funded primarily with taxpayer money through…


Read More: Beaver nonprofit pays top dollar to senator’s wife

The Strange Career of Affirmative Action

  • September 1, 2007

Hillsdale College professor Paul Moreno writes in The Wall Street Journal that “This 125th Labor Day, Americans ought to consider one of organized labor’slesser-known contributions to American politics:…


Read More: The Strange Career of Affirmative Action