Another distortion of charter schools’ “Cost”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 9, 2007

Jim McCaffrey’s article in the Evening Bulletin continues the assault that charter schools “cost too much”. Yet this is a distortion of the truth. School districts continue to complain…


Read More: Another distortion of charter schools’ “Cost”

Let Wisconsin Experiment with Socialized Medicine

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 8, 2007

John Stossel supports Wisconsin’s $15 billion socialized medicine plan. He thinks by screwing up health care badly enough – apparently we didn’t learn that lesson the Soviet Union, not…


Read More: Let Wisconsin Experiment with Socialized Medicine

Has Wal-Mart buried ‘Mom & Pop’ stores?

  • August 8, 2007

Many political and court decisions have been made based on the argument that traditional small businesses must be saved from Wal-Mart’s ever-increasing presence around the country. This movement has successfully…


Read More: Has Wal-Mart buried ‘Mom & Pop’ stores?

Be careful what you put on your Facebook page

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2007

I have seen several media stories about Giuliani’s daughter’s Facebook page, in which she joined an “Obama for President Group,” but don’t know why. But I will use this…


Read More: Be careful what you put on your Facebook page

Cyber schools cut districts’ expenses

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2007

Letter from a cyber school CEO and former school district superintendent to the Patriot News on how cyber schools save taxpayers money. Read more about how cyber schools save…


Read More: Cyber schools cut districts’ expenses

The Wrong Lessons of the Bridge Collapse

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2007

Brad Edmonds with the Daily Commentary of the Mises Institute writes that privatizing bridges and roads, not more government control, will prevent tragedies like the Minnesota bridge collapse:…


Read More: The Wrong Lessons of the Bridge Collapse

The Act 1 Farce

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2007

More bad news on Act 1 – the so-called “back-end referendum” provisions not only allows school districts to increase taxes by 3.4 to 5.5% without voter referendum, and allows…


Read More: The Act 1 Farce