Stop allowing ex-lawmakers on state payroll

  • August 6, 2007

Editorial in Towanda’s Daily and Sunday Review on the revolving door from the legislature back into government — either directly or as lobbyists. What’s lost in this discussion is…


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Renewed push on health care planned

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2007

The Patriot News reports that Governor Rendell will continue to push his health care tax. Meanwhile, other state legislatures are taking up free-market health care reform (often to fight…


Read More: Renewed push on health care planned

Enough money for roads and bridges?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2007

Brett Lieberman in the Patriot News examines PA’s infrastructure needs. But unlike most coverage, Lieberman deserves credit for looking at how money is being spent, before conceding we need…


Read More: Enough money for roads and bridges?

The New Privatization

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2007

Steven Malanga in the summer City Journal offers a look the rising trend in privatization of toll roads – both existing and new construction – airports, and other infrastructure.


Read More: The New Privatization

Bogus reform prevails

  • August 5, 2007

Brad Bumsted in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review writes about “the much-bullayhooed effort in the General Assembly to strengthen the state’s infamously weak Right to Know Law.” Guess what? It’s gone…


Read More: Bogus reform prevails

Turnpike agency takes us for a ride

  • August 5, 2007

Matt Brouillette’s commentary in today’s Patriot-News. In light of the recent tragedy in Minneapolis, the back-room deal of, by, and for the Turnpike with the help of Gov. Rendell…


Read More: Turnpike agency takes us for a ride

How to Keep Our Bridges Safe

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2007

Stephen Malanga in todays’s Wall Street Journal on how to address the need for new transportation infrastructure: It’s unlikely that public funds alone will supply what’s needed.


Read More: How to Keep Our Bridges Safe

Taxpayer control in name only

  • August 4, 2007

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on the bill of goods sold to taxpayers with Act 1 of 2006. Supposedly, the General Assembly plans to tackle the issue of property taxes again…


Read More: Taxpayer control in name only

Warren Buffett to ride for free on PAT

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2007

This News Release from Rep. Matt Smith to reminds everyone that now senior citizens can ride for free at any time of day. This subsidy isn’t limited to low-income…


Read More: Warren Buffett to ride for free on PAT