Taking Oil Profits

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2007

If Governor Rendell is looking for another way to take more of oil companies’ profits, maybe he should look to Hugo Chavez, who announced the Venezuelan government would be…


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Show on the Road

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2007

Robert Poole of the Reason Foundation in today’s Wall Street Journal on the potential of public-private toll roads to revilatize our highway system.


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Welfare state growing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2007

Associated Press story on the growth of Welfare rolls. While TANF cash grants have declined nationally under welfare reform, Medicaid and other programs have grown. Today, one in six…


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RomneyCare on Life Support

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2007

The Massachusetts healthcare mandates – dubbed RomneyCare after former Governor Mitt Romney – was supposed to ensure universal health insurance for all, save money on “uncompensated care,” and keep the…


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Private vs. Gov’t Response to Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2007

The News of Delaware County editorial poses an interesting question: “Would corporate America have handled last week’s Interstate 78 disaster any worse or better than Pennsylvania government officials?”…


Read More: Private vs. Gov’t Response to Crisis

No reform of incumbent protection ads

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2007

Article on the Reform Panel’s debate on taxpayer-funded “Public Service Ads” (a.k.a. incumbent protection plans), from Capitolwire.com (subscription): Even after a former House majority leader blasted taxpayer-paid TV…


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Insurance mandates aren’t the answer

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2007

Greg Scandlen in Health Care News writes that health insurance mandates won’t solve the problem of uninsured. I also pointed out in that article that part of…


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Non-Union Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2007

Steve Jobs takes on the teachers unions, from WSJ.com.


Read More: Non-Union Jobs

The Philadelphia Story

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2007

Paul Peterson in today’s Wall Street Journal on the success of privately-managed public schools in Philadelphia.


Read More: The Philadelphia Story