Companies’ Fair Share: Zero Percent

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 20, 2007

Andrew Chamberlain editorial on why progressive corporate tax rates are “unfair”– taxes on corporations are just taxes on people.


Read More: Companies’ Fair Share: Zero Percent

Priceless politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 20, 2007

Thomas Sowell wonders why local governments feel they need to own and operate golf courses under the mantra of “helping the poor”: “Are the taxpayers being asked to support…


Read More: Priceless politics

Uninsured And Overinflated

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 16, 2007

Investor’s Business Daily editorial breaks down the “46 million” without health insurance: most are without insurance short-term, immigrants, eligible for current government programs, or young and choosing not to…


Read More: Uninsured And Overinflated

Adding Up the Reasons For Expensive Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2007

Washington Post article details why healthcare is so expensive in the US. Doctor’s pay, unnecessary testing, and hospital amenities play a major role (and the third-party payer model falls…


Read More: Adding Up the Reasons For Expensive Health Care

The Stubborn Welfare State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 14, 2007

Robert Samuelson looks at where tax dollars really go. The charts tell it all.


Read More: The Stubborn Welfare State

A Portrait of the Economy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 14, 2007

Wall Street Journal editorial on why growth of Big Government always undermines economic growth.


Read More: A Portrait of the Economy