Taxing Teachers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 11, 2007

When Governor Rendell intoduced his proposed “Oil Company Gross Profits Tax”, he bashed Exxon-Mobil and their profits. The Governor apparently forgot that Exxon’s profits are owned by people, including being…


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State can’t fix health insurance problems it created

  • February 10, 2007

A small businessman says “Thanks, but No Thanks!” to Gov. Rendell’s healthcare proposal that is suppose to HELP small businesses. Read John Brinson’s commentary in the Morning Call.


Read More: State can’t fix health insurance problems it created

Newly Retired Lawmakers Cash In on Pensions

  • February 8, 2007

The Associated Press reports on the pension payouts of newly retired lawmakers. ABC27 reports on the lucrative “public servant” benefits our lawmakers have provided themselves.


Read More: Newly Retired Lawmakers Cash In on Pensions

Do Markets Work in Healthcare?

  • February 8, 2007

From Dr. John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis… Perhaps you have heard that health markets work reasonably well whenpatients pay with their own money. LAZIK surgery…


Read More: Do Markets Work in Healthcare?

Record Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2007

Much has been made about Exxon’s “record profits”, but no media focused on their “record taxes“–Exxon paid three times in taxes what they earned in profits. Why is this…


Read More: Record Taxes

Fiscal Revelation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2007

Wall Street Journal crunches numbers in the federal budget and national debt.


Read More: Fiscal Revelation