Taxes & Economy

Severance Tax Talk is Stunting Investment in Pa.

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 30, 2017

One tax is emblematic of Pennsylvania’s failure to grow the economy with more government spending: the natural gas severance tax. Special interest groups have worked for a decade to enact a…


Read More: Severance Tax Talk is Stunting Investment in Pa.

Why Pa.’s Department of Corrections is a Model to Follow

  • August 29, 2017

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) recently released the results of SIP-HOPE—a promising new pilot program aimed at reducing recidivism. According to DOC, the program led to a 13…


Read More: Why Pa.’s Department of Corrections is a Model to Follow

Public Union Democracy

UFCW Fined for Misreporting Terrible Anti-Privatization TV Ads

  • Jessica Barnett
  • August 25, 2017

Pennsylvania’s Liquor Control Board (PLCB) has persistently generated corruption scandals as it manages the state-run liquor system. Now, the loudest advocate for retaining this inefficient and unpopular…


Read More: UFCW Fined for Misreporting Terrible Anti-Privatization TV Ads

State Budget

Pennsylvania’s Small Towns Need Harrisburg to Think Big

  • August 25, 2017

The stories are all too familiar. In towns hollowed out by economic downturns, Pennsylvanians are struggling to get by. Many are wondering when, or if, things will get better. Small…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Small Towns Need Harrisburg to Think Big

State Government Continues to Grow

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2017

As I pointed out last week, the total operating budget for Pennsylvania exceeds $80 billion. In addition to the $32 billion General Fund, the $49 billion “shadow budget” includes $28.7 billion…


Read More: State Government Continues to Grow


Reducing the State’s Cash Stockpile Can Help Balance the Budget

  • August 24, 2017

Lawmakers considering balancing the budget with borrowing and higher taxes could opt for a responsible alternative: drawing down funds from the shadow budget's “banking accounts.” But first, let’s take a…


Read More: Reducing the State’s Cash Stockpile Can Help Balance the Budget

State Budget

Tax Hikes Won’t Prevent Credit Downgrades

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 17, 2017

In July, S&P placed Pennsylvania on a negative credit watch, citing budget uncertainties. The move signaled a potential credit rating downgrade for Pennsylvania, which Governor Wolf is using to push for higher taxes.


Read More: Tax Hikes Won’t Prevent Credit Downgrades

Taxes & Economy

Could Gas Go the Way of Foxconn?

  • Gordon Tomb
  • August 16, 2017

One company’s decision not to locate in Pennsylvania foreshadows the migration in capital and jobs the commonwealth would suffer under a higher gas tax. Wisconsin Governor Scott…


Read More: Could Gas Go the Way of Foxconn?

State Budget

Can Other Funds Help Balance the State Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 16, 2017

The total operating budget for the state exceeds $80 billion. In addition to the $32 billion General Fund, the “shadow budget” includes: $28.7 billion in federal funds, $4.7 billion in…


Read More: Can Other Funds Help Balance the State Budget?