Taxes & Economy

If you’re angry now …

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2006

Check out where your city ranks on the “100 Angriest Cities,”from Men’s Health. Philadelphia ranks #27, while Pittsburgh sits (relatively happily) at #90. Number 1? Home of the…


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Public Union Democracy

No Means No!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2006

Human Events Online article on the Washington State case in which teachers’ mandatory union dues are being used for political activity – and a law requiring such contributions to…


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Taxes & Economy

Tax Policy Under President Bush

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2006

An overview of recent tax policy (and unresolved issues) from Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute. He makes the keen observation that the reason the tax cuts have yet…


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Taxes & Economy

Boom time for state finances

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2006 article on the surge in state tax revenues. However the NCSL’s “budget experts expect state spending to surpass money coming in to state coffers this fiscal year. State…


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Automatic 401(k)s

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2006

NCPA Brief Analysis describing the 401(k) reforms contained in the recently passed federal pension bill. Among the main reforms are that employees will have to “opt out” of their…


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Government Accountability

The Fumo Legal Defense Fund

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2006

State Sen. Vince Fumo, under federal investigation for corruption, used $900,000 of taxpayer’s dollars for his legal defense (in addition to $300,000 of campaign contributions) the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.


Read More: The Fumo Legal Defense Fund

Taxes & Economy

Sowell on the Minimum Wage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2006

Thomas Sowell on minimum wage laws, from Real Clear Politics: “Minimum wage laws play Russian roulette with people who need jobs and the work experience that will enable them…


Read More: Sowell on the Minimum Wage


Gaming board raking in fat paychecks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2006

Even without slot machines up and running in Pennsylvania, there have already been some big winners from gambling – the Gaming Control Board. The Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice reports that…


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