Government Accountability

Does Size Matter?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 1, 2006

If you prefer audio podcast to the text version, you can listen to my testimony on reducing the size of the General Assembly. (Note: the file is 2MB…


Read More: Does Size Matter?


Record Number of Lottery Losers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2006

Governor Rendell issued a news release on the state lottery. Proud of what he calls “a success story of good government and an organization of which all Pennsylvanians can…


Read More: Record Number of Lottery Losers

Taxes & Economy

Why Congress Should Reject a Minimum Wage Increase

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2006

Two articles from the Heritage Foundation: The first details how a minimum wage increase will hurt job prospects among low skill workers, and won’t reduce poverty. The second…


Read More: Why Congress Should Reject a Minimum Wage Increase


Getting state legislators to work is costly

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2006

Post-Gazette article on the cost to taxpayers of the travel of several state lawmakers. Just another example of a failure of many in cover to be frugal when someone…


Read More: Getting state legislators to work is costly

State Budget

States Looking to Spending Caps

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2006

While legislation limiting the growth of state spending in Pennsylvania (the “Taxpayer Fairness Act”) has stalled in the House Rules Committee, at least six states will be having ballot initiatives…


Read More: States Looking to Spending Caps

Taxes & Economy

Politics trumps economics in Chicago

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2006

The Chicago city council passed a law which would mandate “Big-Box” retailers pay a minimum wage of $10/hour and $3 in fringe benefits, essentially an effort to keep Wal-Mart out…


Read More: Politics trumps economics in Chicago

President Rendell?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 27, 2006

From Philadelphia Magazine: “Ed Rendell was dead in the water five months ago. Now it appears he’s a shoo-in to get reelected, and there are whispers about a VP…


Read More: President Rendell?


Manufacturing Job Loss in the Great Lakes Region

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 27, 2006

The Brookings Institution released a study on manufacturing jobs lost in the Great Lakes region. The numbers and findings are interesting: many of the nation’s manufacturing jobs “lost” were…


Read More: Manufacturing Job Loss in the Great Lakes Region