Government Accountability

Is it 1994 all over again?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 19, 2006

Former Congressman George Nethercutt in today’s Wall Street Journal on the fall election. He essentially argues that the party that does better is the party that offers the most…


Read More: Is it 1994 all over again?


Steering Online Gamblers Toward State Lotteries

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 14, 2006

Jacob Sullum of the Reason Foundation wonders why some members of Congress are pushing for tougher measures banning online gambling while supporting state lotteries and casinos. The answer is…


Read More: Steering Online Gamblers Toward State Lotteries

Taxes & Economy

Cost of Government Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 14, 2006

Americans for Tax Reform released their Cost of Government Day Report yesterday, which was coincidently the national Cost of Government Day. This represents the day in which American earned…


Read More: Cost of Government Day

Public Union Democracy

Ending Teacher Strikes?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2006

Rep. Will Gabig has introduced legislation to curb teacher strikes (working with Simon Campbell of Stop Teacher Strikes Inc.) Check out the Courier Times Coverage. Read Simon’s recent…


Read More: Ending Teacher Strikes?

Taxes & Economy

Stocking up on tax dollars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2006

Meadville Tribune editorial on how the state is spending the “windfall” surplus instead of returning it to taxpayers.


Read More: Stocking up on tax dollars

Government Accountability

Mere Coincidence

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 12, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on the six-figure government job awarded to Joseph Hoeffel – who earlier this year dropped out of the Lt. Gov. race after a meeting with Governor…


Read More: Mere Coincidence

Property Tax “Reform” and Referendum

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 11, 2006

Read my letter to the editor in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer. Also note the conclusion reached by the Allentown Morning Call editorial on the recent property tax “relief:”…


Read More: Property Tax “Reform” and Referendum

Government Accountability

In House, reform’s a no-starter

  • July 11, 2006

Brad Bumsted in today’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the House’s reluctance (once again) to reform itself.


Read More: In House, reform’s a no-starter