
Has School Choice Crossed the Rubicon?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2006

Clint Bolick argues yes in today’s Wall Street Journal. Even Democratic leaders (including Sen. Ted Kennedy and our own Governor Rendell) have signed on to school choice programs (albeit…


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School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2006

Interesting article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about property tax hikes. Twenty of 43 school districts in Allegheny are planning to raise tax rates. Their justification is that the county…


Read More: School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County


Lovely parting gifts

  • June 22, 2006

Lancaster New Era on legislative pensions. Once again demonstrating that “serving the public” doesn’t cost, it PAYS!…


Read More: Lovely parting gifts

Public Union Democracy

Your Tax Dollars at Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 19, 2006

Fine tribute to public sector unions, paid for with your tax dollars. I guess we were wrong to identify the Historical and Museum Commission as an example of pork…


Read More: Your Tax Dollars at Work


Ousted legislators find silver lining

  • June 18, 2006

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Some lawmakers who lost their jobs in the May primary will collect pensions almost as big as their current salaries. “Powerhouse Republican Sen. Robert Jubelirer,…


Read More: Ousted legislators find silver lining

Taxes & Economy

Does faux reform kill real reform?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 16, 2006

Brad Bumstead in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the likelihood that significant property tax relief is dead following the passage of the facade of reform passed Wednesday. Read our News…


Read More: Does faux reform kill real reform?

Government Accountability

Is there a Speaker in the House?

  • June 16, 2006

According to Pete DeCoursey of, House Speaker John Perzel said this last night on public television’s “Smart Talk”: “When I see that a tattoo artist in the city of…


Read More: Is there a Speaker in the House?