Taxes & Economy

Swann plan requires work …

  • May 28, 2006

So says our friend Jake Haulk of the Allegheny Institute in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Dr. Haulk concludes that “it’s still tax-shifting, relies on magic money, wrongly disses property tax…


Read More: Swann plan requires work …


Pa. lawmakers find retiring pays

  • May 28, 2006

Excellent article from the Centre Daily Times on the coming pension crisis. “It’s a train wreck waiting to happen — it’s barreling down the tracks at us,” said Centre…


Read More: Pa. lawmakers find retiring pays

Taxes & Economy

Minimum Wages Politics vs. Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 25, 2006

The push for a minimum wage increase is going on in North Carolina as well as here in PA. A piece in the Raleigh News Observer looks at the…


Read More: Minimum Wages Politics vs. Economics


Govenment benefits for retirees grow into ‘monster’

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 25, 2006

An article in today’s USA TODAY points out that future unfunded liabilities for Medicare, Social Security, and govenment employees pensions and retirement benefits have grown to $57.8 trillion. To…


Read More: Govenment benefits for retirees grow into ‘monster’

Taxes & Economy

Government made bumper stickers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 24, 2006

The Pennsylvania Office of Tourism (part of the Department of Community and Economic Development) have started voting for a PA Bumper Sticker. Not only is developing an “official state…


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Perzel takes up state pension issue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 22, 2006

House Speaker Perzel names a panel on state pension and retiree medical benefits to study the issues identified in the Commonwealth Foundation’s Pension Study. Perzel even suggests setting…


Read More: Perzel takes up state pension issue

Government Accountability

Savor these election snapshots

  • May 21, 2006

OK, for the record, I don’t sleep in a coat and tie, despite what Pat Carroll thinks! 🙂 It has indeed been a great experience to work alongside folks…


Read More: Savor these election snapshots


VIP perks are history for ousted legislators

  • May 21, 2006

Morning Call on what the ousted Senate leaders will be losing as a result of their loss at the ballot box last Tuesday. Don’t worry though, they’ll still be…


Read More: VIP perks are history for ousted legislators