
New Report on High School Graduation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2006

A new report from the Manhattan Institute, released today, attempts to calculate real (as opposed to reported) high school graduation rates, using a consistent methodology across states. They found…


Read More: New Report on High School Graduation

Taxes & Economy

Cut taxes to attract jobs

  • April 14, 2006

Commonwealth Foundation’s Nate Benefield in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer.


Read More: Cut taxes to attract jobs

Government Accountability

One Man Collection Agency

  • April 13, 2006

John Baer of the Philadelphia Daily News on Gov. Rendell’s campaign contributions.


Read More: One Man Collection Agency

Taxes & Economy

The Property Tax Relief Scholarship Act

  • April 13, 2006

It is “like throwing gasoline on a fire,” said G. Terry Madonna, a political science professor at Franklin & Marshall College in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Reivew. The idea is “definitely…


Read More: The Property Tax Relief Scholarship Act


They could have thought of a better title

  • April 12, 2006

The Pittsbuhgh Post-Gazette titled their story, “Use casino revenue for school vouchers, group suggests.” I guess that’s better than “Dirty Gambling Money to Undermine the Separation of Church and…


Read More: They could have thought of a better title