Taxes & Economy

Minimum wage push continues

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 17, 2006

From The Morning Call Online: “Kate Philips, Rendell’s spokeswoman, said the administration is grateful the bill emerged from the committee, but that $6.25 ”barely keeps us competitive” with…


Read More: Minimum wage push continues


Insult to injury

  • March 17, 2006

State weighs COLA raise in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


Read More: Insult to injury

Taxes & Economy

Who Pays for the Minimum Wage?

  • March 16, 2006

From Michigan’s Mackinac Center…. “When a business experiences increasing inventories, raising prices is the last thing it should do to resolve the problem. The same principle applies to labor.


Read More: Who Pays for the Minimum Wage?

Taxes & Economy

Hey, Big Spender

  • March 16, 2006

Peggy Noonan in today’s Wall Street Journal on President Bush’s bankrupt fiscal policies and his notion of “compassionate conservatism” Noonan: “That’s not what I understood him to mean. If…


Read More: Hey, Big Spender


State kept funding agency in audit dispute

  • March 14, 2006

State Rep. Mike Veon and State Sen. Gerald LaValle’s BIG slush fund gets scrutiny from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. While the Veon/LaValle scandal may be an extreme example of how…


Read More: State kept funding agency in audit dispute


Cities start adding up retiree benefit costs

  • March 13, 2006

An article from the Pittsburgh Business Times on the coming government retiree benefits crisis. Governments at all levels are only beginning to understand how big of a financial crisis…


Read More: Cities start adding up retiree benefit costs