Taxes & Economy

What do you do when the facts aren’t on your side?

  • March 8, 2006

Well, if you are Bill George, president of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, you hurl insults and yell them loudly. It works really well…so he thinks. This clip is from today’s…


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Government Accountability

Sound Policy IS Sound Politics!

  • March 7, 2006

We are encouraged by the very familiar-sounding policy stance of these candidates for office. Sound policy IS sound poilitics! ______________ Text of March 7 news release…. Coalition of GOP challengers…


Read More: Sound Policy IS Sound Politics!

State Budget

Say you want a revolution?

  • March 7, 2006

Editorial from the Chambersburg Public Opinion on how our Supreme Court judges are spending YOUR money.


Read More: Say you want a revolution?

Public Union Democracy

Gettin’ out while the gettin’s good

  • March 7, 2006

The Hempfield Area School District is expecting nearly 90 employees (mostly teachers) to retire this year, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This is a district where the average salary…


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Cyberschools have districts edgy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2006

Times-Tribune article on the growth of Pennsylvanias’ Cyberschools. The bottom line: students do better when parents are able to choose which school is best for them.


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Rendell’s pay not “real money”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2006

From CapitolWire: Rendell’s pay not “real money”…For those of you who haven’t heard just how much Gov. Ed Rendell travels in upper-bracket circles these days, he was…


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Taxes & Economy

Seductive snake oil

  • March 6, 2006

Interesting commentary that goes to show you that the battle for free-markets is happening all over the world…including Israel. And the opponents of freedom are the same… ______________Seductive…


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State employees’ pensions might carry big price tag

  • March 6, 2006

“Might”? Whoever wrote the headline for this Patriot-News story on the looming pension crisis should have read the story. Even the plan administrators at PSERS and SERS don’t see…


Read More: State employees’ pensions might carry big price tag

Taxes & Economy

State Revenue Boom Paves Way for Tax Cuts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 3, 2006

An analysis by the Cato Institute of tax revenue and rates for all 50 states ranks Pennsylvania as a “state in need of tax cuts.” This is based on…


Read More: State Revenue Boom Paves Way for Tax Cuts