Public Union Democracy

Union facts: The ugly truth

  • February 18, 2006

“The Leftist agenda, the racketeering, the fines, the convictions, the magnificent, unearned salaries for union bosses. It’s all here. “ Read the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial.


Read More: Union facts: The ugly truth

State Budget

The Myth of Spending Cuts for the Poor, Tax Cuts for the Rich

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 16, 2006

Fascinating analysis by the Heritage Foundation on how the Bush administration – attacked by critics for “cutting spending for the poor while cutting taxes for the rich” – has…


Read More: The Myth of Spending Cuts for the Poor, Tax Cuts for the Rich


How schools lock themselves into raising taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2006

Article on explores how health care and other benefits promised to public teachers’ unions will cost school districts a fortune over the coming years. Anyone who thinks…


Read More: How schools lock themselves into raising taxes


The War goes on with no end in sight

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 14, 2006

The war on Wal-Mart, that is. Now Wal-Mart is under orders from Massachusetts to sell “morning-after” pills. It seems that in not stocking the notorious morning-after pill, Wal-Mart was…


Read More: The War goes on with no end in sight

Taxes & Economy

The race for governor: Rendell’s ruse –

  • February 14, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on “economic development.” Citing the Allegheny Institute, the Trib writes that “Government subsidized “economic development” — a classic example of misallocating of resources — does nothing…


Read More: The race for governor: Rendell’s ruse –

Public Union Democracy

The New Union Label: Closed!

  • February 14, 2006

From the New York Times: The Center for Union Facts shot onto the public stage yesterday by running full-page ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post…


Read More: The New Union Label: Closed!

Public Union Democracy

“Don’t be talkin’ bad about me” protest

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 13, 2006

Teachers’ union rally to protest “20/20” piece (John Stossel’s “Stupid in America,” which details how unions have stood in way of school reform) will occur on March 8.


Read More: “Don’t be talkin’ bad about me” protest


Exceptions are rule for Act 72

  • February 13, 2006

The Times Leader points out the “referendum in name only” aspects of Act 72…which are also present in the various bills winding their way through the General Assembly. For…


Read More: Exceptions are rule for Act 72


If only your retirement could be this good

  • February 12, 2006

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist Brian O’Neill writes about Rep. Jeff Habay’s prison sentence for stealing from the taxpayers to run his campaign, but points out the bigger scandal: the state…


Read More: If only your retirement could be this good