Government Accountability

Liberty Index in Lancaster

  • January 31, 2006

Democratic Rep. Mike Sturla’s response to his F- grade in the Intelligencer Journal is classic: “[T]hese are people who never bothered to drive, or get prescription drugs for their…


Read More: Liberty Index in Lancaster

Taxes & Economy

House fails to override veto of tax cut

  • January 31, 2006

Patriot-News story on yesterday’s action in the House where many Democrats who originally supported tax cuts renegged on their suppport.


Read More: House fails to override veto of tax cut


The PHEAA raises: Another pay-jacking

  • January 29, 2006

More on the lobbyist/legislative operative who is now the highest paid state employee … in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


Read More: The PHEAA raises: Another pay-jacking

Taxes & Economy

Minimum logic

  • January 28, 2006

A small businessman says, in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, how he’ll deal with Rendell’s minimum wage increase … let go employees. Of course, those pushing this Fascist economic policy…


Read More: Minimum logic

Taxes & Economy

The Politics of Ever-Expanding Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 26, 2006

A quality essay by Steven Malanga on how the recipients of increased government spending support increased government spending. Taxpayers are footing the bill for lobbying by by governments and…


Read More: The Politics of Ever-Expanding Government


How to milk the system

  • January 25, 2006

Pension ruling for judge could ‘open floodgates’ to other claims, says a dissenting judge on the Commonwealth Court. By this court’s reasoning, I should be able to collect money…


Read More: How to milk the system


A government big enough to give you everything you want …

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 25, 2006

There is a theory (articulate in a piece by Mark Bauerlein) that left-wing academics are engrossed in large scale group think, that when large numbers of the radical left…


Read More: A government big enough to give you everything you want …

Taxes & Economy

Higher minimum wage will hurt state

  • January 25, 2006

The Morning Call reprinted my letter to the governor in today’s newspaper. Also, tune in to WHP 580 AM today from 3-4pm when I will be debating a representative…


Read More: Higher minimum wage will hurt state

Public Union Democracy

Why Maryland is fighting windmills.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2006

A George Will piece (Getting mugged in Maryland), explaining why the Maryland legislature has decided to attack the paper tiger of Wal-Mart. Will cites Wal-Mart’s ample benefits and pay,…


Read More: Why Maryland is fighting windmills.