
What to Know about the Senate Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 30, 2017

Late last night, the Senate unveiled its version of the spending side of a state budget. The Senate advanced the bill from the Appropriations Committee with a full floor vote…


Read More: What to Know about the Senate Budget


ESAs Advance to Another State—Will Pa. Be Next?

  • James Paul
  • June 29, 2017

This week, North Carolina became the sixth state to authorize education savings accounts (ESAs)—flexible spending accounts used by parents to customize their child’s education.


Read More: ESAs Advance to Another State—Will Pa. Be Next?

State Budget

PA Budget: What the Constitution Mandates

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 28, 2017

As lawmakers debate the details of a new state budget, it’s crucial to remember what our state constitution requires them to do. The Pennsylvania Constitution does not require a…


Read More: PA Budget: What the Constitution Mandates

State Budget

Focusing on What Matters in the Tax Credit Debate

  • Bob Dick
  • June 27, 2017

Pennsylvania provides tax credits for film production, concerts and video games. House Bill 1519 would combine these credits into one Multimedia Tax Credit Fund. But consolidating tax credits doesn't address…


Read More: Focusing on What Matters in the Tax Credit Debate

Health Care

Welfare Reform Efforts Gain Traction

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 27, 2017

Tax hikes or spending reforms? That's the question before lawmakers as the annual scramble to the June 30th budget deadline proceeds. So it's no surprise lawmakers are turning their attention…


Read More: Welfare Reform Efforts Gain Traction


Is a Budget Deja Vu in Pennsylvania’s Future?

  • June 26, 2017

The General Assembly is floating a plan to balance the state budget with higher taxes and more borrowing, according to Charles Thompson of PennLive. Sound familiar? Lawmakers adopted…


Read More: Is a Budget Deja Vu in Pennsylvania’s Future?


A Visitor’s Guide to Buying Booze in PA

  • June 23, 2017

Planning a dinner? Picking up a hostess gift? Here’s our handy shopping guide to keep things E.A.S.Y.*  *Every Annoying Stop You have to make to get what you need.


Read More: A Visitor’s Guide to Buying Booze in PA