
Unions Win: Florida Supreme Court Rules Against School Choice

  • January 5, 2006

News release from the Institute for Justice…. Florida Supreme Court Strikes Down School Choice Washington, D.C.-In a major blow to education reform in Florida, the Florida Supreme Court today struck…


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Rocky Mountain High

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 5, 2006

Denver enacts the nation’s first merit pay system for teachers in a large district. See this National Center for Policy Analysis summary of Denver’s new system and other pay…


Read More: Rocky Mountain High

Government Accountability

Churches funding Pittsburgh

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 5, 2006

Several charities, including churches and religious groups, voluntary donated $4.6 million to the city of Pittsburgh, according to the Tribune-Review. Apparently the “separation of church and state” applies only…


Read More: Churches funding Pittsburgh

Taxes & Economy

Minimum wage, maximum deception

  • January 5, 2006

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review notes why labor unions are the chief proponents of artificially raising labor costs. “Odd what liberal politicians and union-types see as ‘fairness,’ considering wage floors do…


Read More: Minimum wage, maximum deception

Taxes & Economy

Rendell’s minimum wage proposal too low?

  • January 5, 2006

With professional baseball’s minimum salary increasing by $9,000 to $327,000, aren’t Pennsylvania’s entry-level workers worth at least that much? Where’s your compassion Governor? Set your sites higher!…


Read More: Rendell’s minimum wage proposal too low?


More Corporate Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 4, 2006

Here is a good piece by the Allegheny Institute on the $50 million dollars of corporate welfare granted by state and local government to PNC for construction of…


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The Looming Financial Crisis — Public Sector Pensions

  • January 4, 2006

Whether it is pensions for state workers, teachers or legislators, the financial promises made by politicians have put taxpayers on the hook. How much? Well, don’t ask the people who…


Read More: The Looming Financial Crisis — Public Sector Pensions

Public Union Democracy

What’s “Education” got to do with it?

  • January 3, 2006

The Wall Street Journal highlights the political agenda (via its $65 MILLION in spending to support political causes) of the National Education Association. This would not be a problem…


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