Taxes & Economy

Defending the Indefensible

  • January 2, 2006

Gov. Rendell just doesn’t get it that if Pennsylvania is the next state to tax, borrow and spend itself to prosperity, it will also be the FIRST! In this…


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Public Pensions: The Coming Financial Crisis in PA

  • January 2, 2006

While Pennsylvanians were up in arms over the pay raise, the ongoing public-sector pension scandal and coming financial crisis should make taxpayers even more irate. The promise of defined benefits…


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Taxes & Economy

“inebriation of your own buncombe”

  • January 1, 2006

Colin McNickle of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review gets it right on the money … no, make that YOUR money. Read ‘Public-purpose’ mountebanks in today’s Trib.


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Power Motivates Unions

  • December 28, 2005

From the Heartland Institute’s School Reform News… Power Motivates Unions Some wonder why the teacher unions, long so fervently opposed to charter schools, are now aggressively trying to recruit…


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Pay-raise suit on to high court

  • December 28, 2005

…”the state Supreme Court has agreed to hear Stilp’s arguments that the bill was unconstitutional because it allowed lawmakers to skirt a state constitutional ban on mid-term raises by taking…


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