Taxes & Economy
Rendell to veto tax cuts
Governor Rendell promises to veto the tax cuts just passed by the General Assembly. His reason: “lawmakers did not pair the legislation with a corresponding spending cut.” Governor Rendell,…
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Minimum Wage: The Faux Pay Raise
This Philadelphia Daily News editorial represents the general economic ignorance among people who think government can artificially increase the cost of labor without any negatives consequences. The reality is…
Read More: Minimum Wage: The Faux Pay RaiseTaxes & Economy
General Assembly Passes Tax Cuts, Sends to Gov. Rendell for Signature
Two Senate news releases (Piccola and Thompson)on the Senate’s concurrence of a PIT and CNI tax rate reduction… Piccola Calls on Governor to Sign Tax Cuts into Law HARRISBURG…
Read More: General Assembly Passes Tax Cuts, Sends to Gov. Rendell for SignatureEducation
Universal preschool is inviting universal disaster
SF Chronicle article – Universal preschool is inviting universal disaster. Advocates of universal pre-school in Pennsylvania would do well to heed this warning.
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Lower Taxes = Economic Growth
An analyis of population data and taxes finds that states with low taxes attract residents fleeing states with high taxes: The Heartland Institute – Taxes Fuel Historic American Migration…
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Brookings Institution Presents “Much Ado About Nothing”
The Brookings Institution released a report today titled Higher Education in Pennsylvania: A Competitive Asset for Communities. In this report, they offer findings such as: Pennsylvania has many institutions…
Read More: Brookings Institution Presents “Much Ado About Nothing”Taxes & Economy
Coalition (for Higher Taxes and Unlimited Government Spending) hopes to stop cap on state spending
The Harrisburg Patriot-News highlights the effort to limit the increases in state government spending. While the beneficiaries of higher government spending want to keep their unlimited access to taxpayers’…
Read More: Coalition (for Higher Taxes and Unlimited Government Spending) hopes to stop cap on state spendingTaxes & Economy
Governor Rendell: “I’m very optimistic that before Christmas we will have a property tax bill on my desk that I can sign”
Although Governor Rendell thinks the General Assembly will come up with a school property tax shift before December 25, Pennsylvanians should not be expecting much from the Harrisburg Santa…
Read More: Governor Rendell: “I’m very optimistic that before Christmas we will have a property tax bill on my desk that I can sign”Taxes & Economy
We all lose when Government tries to pick winners
This Times Leader story highlights how government should not be in the “economic development” business. The best thing government could do for our economy is GET OUT OF THE…
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