
5 Reasons to Enact Pension Reform Now

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 4, 2017

Pennsylvania is on the brink of transformative pension reform. Under SB 1, new school teachers and state employees, including new lawmakers and judges, would automatically be enrolled in a…


Read More: 5 Reasons to Enact Pension Reform Now

State Budget

Send a Message on Tax Hikes

  • June 2, 2017

Pennsylvania doesn't need to spend more, we need to spend smarter. Let your lawmakers know that taxes are high enough. Email Gov. Wolf and your state lawmakers today.  …


Read More: Send a Message on Tax Hikes


Are Soda Taxes Worth Their Cost?

  • June 2, 2017

Philadelphia’s soda tax is going flat. The new levy has raised prices, diminished sales, and led to industry layoffs. It’s also failing to meet revenue projections,…


Read More: Are Soda Taxes Worth Their Cost?


Refuting Careless Myths about ESAs

  • James Paul
  • June 1, 2017

Last week, Pennsylvania’s education committees held a hearing on education savings accounts (ESAs). This transformative policy allows parents to customize an educational plan based on the unique…


Read More: Refuting Careless Myths about ESAs

Criminal Justice Reform

Senate Advances Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform

  • May 26, 2017

Should bureaucratic inefficiencies decide the fate of parole violators? The obvious answer is no. That's just one reason why 38 senators voted in favor of SB 522. The legislation…


Read More: Senate Advances Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform


Sports Teams Thrive at Taxpayer Expense

  • May 26, 2017

While sports teams across the county reap the benefits of lavish government subsidies to build stadiums, taxpayers bear the brunt of the cost, according to a working study by…


Read More: Sports Teams Thrive at Taxpayer Expense


Families Testify on ESAs for Pa. Education Committees

  • James Paul
  • May 25, 2017

Pennsylvania’s House and Senate Education Committees held a hearing on education savings accounts (ESAs)—flexible spending accounts parents use to design a student-centered educational experience. Video of the…


Read More: Families Testify on ESAs for Pa. Education Committees

Taxes & Economy

Moving From Welfare to Work

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 24, 2017

Last week state house lawmakers gathered to gain a better understanding of the challenges people face when moving from the welfare system to work. Chief among those challenges is a…


Read More: Moving From Welfare to Work


Senate Introduces Substantive Pension Reform

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 23, 2017

Now, more than ever, transformative reform in needed to address Pennsylvania’s undeniable pension crisis. Last week, the state Senate began this process by introducing pension reform bill SB…


Read More: Senate Introduces Substantive Pension Reform