Health Care

Double-Down on Reinventing Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2017

Imagine if Stephen King had written Green Eggs and Ham. What if Dr. Seuss had penned The Shining? Gov. Wolf’s third budget address was an equally disorienting shift in tone…


Read More: Double-Down on Reinventing Government


Employee Compensation Drives Spending Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2017

PennLive released a list of state government employees earning more than $100,000 in salary today. While the list should open some eyes, it doesn’t capture the full cost of…


Read More: Employee Compensation Drives Spending Growth


Education Savings Accounts Across the Country

  • James Paul
  • February 17, 2017

The movement to provide children with better education is building momentum in 2017 as education savings accounts (ESA) advance in nearly a dozen states. Legislation has been filed in…


Read More: Education Savings Accounts Across the Country

Government Accountability

Government Unions Outspend the Natural Gas Industry

  • Jessica Barnett
  • February 16, 2017

Proponents of a natural gas severance tax argue the natural gas industry wields undue political influence in Harrisburg. State representative Greg Vitali laments: They [natural gas industry] just always…


Read More: Government Unions Outspend the Natural Gas Industry


Examining the Staggering Cost of Pensions

  • February 16, 2017

CF senior policy analyst James Paul recently spoke with WURD Radio’s Stephanie Renee on Pennsylvania’s skyrocketing pension costs—and what can be done about them. Pennsylvania’s unfunded pension liability stands at…


Read More: Examining the Staggering Cost of Pensions

Controlling Spending is A Moral Imperative

  • February 14, 2017

In an effort to improve the state’s finances, the Wolf Administration commissioned a government efficiency review—an idea CF included in a recent policy brief, which focused on driving…


Read More: Controlling Spending is A Moral Imperative

Senate Passes Paycheck Protection!

  • February 8, 2017

Today, the Senate took a stand to protect the integrity of public dollars, give union members a greater voice in how their money is spent, and restore fairness to the…


Read More: Senate Passes Paycheck Protection!

State Budget

Five Takeaways From the Governors Budget Proposal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2017

This morning Governor Wolf laid out his plan for the 2017-18 state budget. Here are the five things you need to know: 1. Shift to redesigning government. This is a…


Read More: Five Takeaways From the Governors Budget Proposal