Public Union Democracy

Paycheck Protection Passes Senate Committee

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2017

The Senate State Government Committee today passed paycheck protection, which ends the special privilege that lets government union leaders use public resources to collect money earmarked for politics.  Since…


Read More: Paycheck Protection Passes Senate Committee


Film Tax Credit Draws Bad Reviews

  • James Paul
  • January 30, 2017

Be it Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher, Denzel Washington in Fences, or Gerard Butler in Law Abiding Citizen—everyone loves to see their favorite movie stars come to the neighborhood. This, combined…


Read More: Film Tax Credit Draws Bad Reviews


Q&A: Education Savings Accounts

  • January 26, 2017

Could Education Savings Accounts change public education in Pennsylvania? We asked Jonathan Butcher, education director for the Goldwater Institute in Arizona and nationally-known expert on ESAs, for his expertise on…


Read More: Q&A: Education Savings Accounts

Educational Choice in a Grandparent’s Words

  • James Paul
  • January 23, 2017

National School Choice Week, beginning today, is a celebration of opportunity. Each of the educational options in Pennsylvania—private scholarship programs, charter schools, online education, and the ability to homeschool—empower…


Read More: Educational Choice in a Grandparent’s Words


Budget Solution of the Week: School Choice

  • January 20, 2017

Earlier this month, House Majority Leader Dave Reed challenged his colleagues to change the way Harrisburg operates: “Now is the time to reimagine and redesign government, our state and…


Read More: Budget Solution of the Week: School Choice

Health Care

4 Obamacare Failures & How to Fix Them

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 19, 2017

For almost seven years the benefits of Obamacare have been exaggerated and the costs severely underestimated. As repeal efforts gain momentum, many are understandably uncomfortable about another dramatic shift in…


Read More: 4 Obamacare Failures & How to Fix Them

Criminal Justice Reform

Budget Solution of the Week: Corrections Reform

  • January 13, 2017

The Department of Corrections (DOC) recently announced its intentions to close two state prisons and reduce capacity at community corrections facilities (halfway houses). These decisions will cut state incarceration…


Read More: Budget Solution of the Week: Corrections Reform

Public Union Democracy

The Inquirer’s Problematic Budget Prescriptions

  • January 11, 2017

A Philadelphia Inquirer editorial urges optimism about the forthcoming state budget debate. It’s certainly well-warranted. Gov. Wolf and legislative leaders have repeatedly expressed interest in redesigning state government to…


Read More: The Inquirer’s Problematic Budget Prescriptions