
The Power of Educational Choice

  • James Paul
  • August 16, 2016

The story of Malachi Kuhn is a moving example of how lives are changed by educational choice. Malachi’s education savings account (ESA) helped him to literally stand…


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State Budget

More Victims of Devastating New Tax Speak Out

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 15, 2016

Amy Crivella was addicted to cigarettes. She tried everything—gum, patches, going cold turkey—but nothing worked. Then, she tried e-cigarettes, or vaping, and she didn’t need a cigarette for the first time…


Read More: More Victims of Devastating New Tax Speak Out


Making the Most of Education Dollars

  • James Paul
  • August 11, 2016

Auditor General Eugene DePasquale recently uncovered $2.5 million improperly paid to nine public charter schools. At issue is whether buildings owned by charter schools are eligible for the state's lease…


Read More: Making the Most of Education Dollars

Government Accountability

Introducing Commonwealth Insight, a Biweekly Podcast

  • August 10, 2016

We're excited to announce the launch of Commonwealth Insight, a biweekly podcast where we'll bring you conversations with thought leaders and influencers from around our state and the country.


Read More: Introducing Commonwealth Insight, a Biweekly Podcast

State Budget

Pushback Against Devastating E-Cig Tax Continues

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 9, 2016

Backlash over the punitive 40 percent wholesale e-cigarette tax continues. Yesterday, CF Director of Policy Analysis Elizabeth Stelle discussed its devastating impacts with WILK-FM's L.A. Tarone. Stelle explained how this…


Read More: Pushback Against Devastating E-Cig Tax Continues


How Tax Hikes Ruined Scottie’s Dream

  • August 8, 2016

Scottie Freeman wants to serve his community. He opened a vapor shop in a depressed part of Erie and planned to use the shop’s proceeds to open up an ice…


Read More: How Tax Hikes Ruined Scottie’s Dream

State Budget

5 Reasons To Fear Bigger Tax Hikes in 2017

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 4, 2016

The 2016-17 budget has passed, yet it remains unbalanced, relying on borrowing money and yet-to-be-passed legislation. Many revenue estimates are overly optimistic. Without efforts to reduce spending or reform cost drivers like pensions…


Read More: 5 Reasons To Fear Bigger Tax Hikes in 2017


Education Choice Benefits All

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2016

Private school choice programs benefit students, public schools, and taxpayers, according to new report from EdChoice. The report, the fourth edition of A Win-Win Solution: The Empirical Evidence on…


Read More: Education Choice Benefits All


Government Favoritism Hurts Honest Businesses

  • August 2, 2016

Buried in a little debated 267-page tax code bill is a provision emblematic of Pennsylvania’s corporate welfare culture. The provision directs hotel tax revenue generated inside a Neighborhood…


Read More: Government Favoritism Hurts Honest Businesses