State Budget

How the $650 Million Tax Increase Impacts You

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 14, 2016

The state budget is, for all intents and purposes, complete. While it remains unbalanced, we now know exactly which taxes are going up.  The $650 million tax hike passed by the…


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State Budget

State Spending Addiction Leads to Tax Hike

  • July 13, 2016

Lawmakers are on the cusp of pushing through a $650 million tax increase on working Pennsylvanians. Earlier this afternoon—without much warning or debate—a conference committee passed House Bill…


Read More: State Spending Addiction Leads to Tax Hike


PSERS Revokes Ghost Teachers? Illegal Pension Credit

  • Gina Diorio
  • July 12, 2016

In a victory for taxpayers, the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) has revoked pension credit illegally given to Allentown “ghost teachers” who were hired to teach but instead…


Read More: PSERS Revokes Ghost Teachers? Illegal Pension Credit

Gov. Wolf’s Budget Reversal

  • July 11, 2016

In his many press conferences about Pennsylvania's fiscal future, Gov. Wolf was adamant about one thing: the state budget must be truly balanced. He lambasted the General Assembly for its…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Reversal

State Budget

Lower State Spending Could Improve Bond Rating

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 11, 2016

Last week Moody’s warned an out-of-balance state budget could result in another credit downgrading. By not acting to balance the budget, Governor Wolf is aiding in the devaluation of the…


Read More: Lower State Spending Could Improve Bond Rating

Wolf Legally Required to Reduce Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 11, 2016

Gov. Wolf has a legal responsibility to reduce spending and fix a legislative mistake. Unless the legislature passes a revenue bill today—which seems unlikely—the state budget is unbalanced. Lawmakers sent…


Read More: Wolf Legally Required to Reduce Spending

State Budget

Philadelphia’s Cigarette Tax Falls Short

  • July 8, 2016

Philadelphia collected nearly $59 million in cigarette taxes between July 2015 and June 2016. Well below the $77.5 million originally anticipated by state lawmakers, according to Anna Orso…


Read More: Philadelphia’s Cigarette Tax Falls Short

State Budget

Back to the Future: Budget Edition

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 8, 2016

Doc Brown showed up at Commonwealth Foundation headquarters in his DeLorean yesterday with a stern warning about the future. “I just returned from 2017! You’ve got to come back with…


Read More: Back to the Future: Budget Edition

State Budget

One of these things is not like the others . . .

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 8, 2016

Remember this popular song from the children's show Sesame Street? It goes, “One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong. . .”…


Read More: One of these things is not like the others . . .