State Budget

Reckless Driving With Taxpayer Dollars

  • March 11, 2010

Pennsylvania’s move towards big government is many ways mirrored by the fleet of cars it has amassed over the last three decades. The number of cars increased from 5,700…


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Grading Corbett’s Economic Plan: FAIL

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2010

Pennsylvania governor candidate Tom Corbett and his campaign team unveiled the first of seven policy outlines on economic development. Much of what it outlines is simply political rhetoric –…


Read More: Grading Corbett’s Economic Plan: FAIL

Taxes & Economy

Time to Act on Medicaid Fraud

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2010

The Heartland Institute put out a compilation of resources on reducing fraud in Medicaid and Medicare.  In Pennsylvania, Auditor General Jack Wagner has found fraud and errors in Medicaid…


Read More: Time to Act on Medicaid Fraud

Taxes & Economy

Is Minimum Wage the Panacea or the Disease

  • March 10, 2010

A new report by the Bureau of Business Research at Ball State University found that the recent minimum wage increases account for 550,000 fewer part-time jobs. According to the…


Read More: Is Minimum Wage the Panacea or the Disease

Health Care

Obamacare and Deficits

  • March 10, 2010

In campaign-mode fashion, President Obama held a rally at Arcadia University on Monday to sell his plan for health care reform. Filled with the usual rhetoric and emotional, Obama made…


Read More: Obamacare and Deficits


PA State Troopers Raid Philly Bars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2010

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that dozens of Pennsylvania state troopers raided some Philly bars for selling unregistered brands of beer: Although the bar owners had bought the beer…


Read More: PA State Troopers Raid Philly Bars

Taxes & Economy

Sign the Petition for an Independent Investigation of Dr. Mann

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 9, 2010

Penn State YAF’s (Young Americans for Freedom) petition for academic integrity is now online! On February 12th almost a hundred students and citizens gathered to demand a fair and thorough…


Read More: Sign the Petition for an Independent Investigation of Dr. Mann